No doubt that the administrative personnel possess a moral and legal obligation to ensure that safety is upheld at all times within the hospital. As a result, each administrator within the facility must be assigned a distinct administrative position with a differentiated job description. One of the major roles of the organization’s employees at different administrative levels is to adapt and educate on the healthcare rules, laws, and regulations concerning risk management and quality improvement (Brand et al., 2017). The other role is to enhance the overall efficiency of risk management programs like solving the problem of nursing shortage to guarantee patient safety and quality services (Friend & Kohn, 2018). The top management personnel in the hospital are also expected to ensure that national and state rules are strictly adhered to by everyone in the facility, including when recruiting nurses. This idea will help in the eradication of illegal and unlawful practices such as employing unqualified nurses within the facility, which subsequently improve the quality of care offered (Clark, 2017). If these roles are legally adhered to by every employee in the facility, the risk management programs, policies, and strategies will be of significant benefit because there is sufficient support from everyone.

An Illustration of how our organization's risk management and compliance programs support ethical standards, patient consent, and patient rights and responsibilities.

According to Pozgar, Litt, Santucci, & MSCJ, J. (2016), every activity undertaken within the facility is guided by the outline of legal ethics within an organization. The activities include risk management programs such as the one that is currently operational (reducing nursing shortage) in my hospital. The laid down legal rules and regulations require that the risk management programs and strategies be undertaken in a safe setting (Khan, Rathnayaka, and Ahmed, 2015). In this regard, the risk management programs in the facility are undertaken in compliance with the legal laws because safety is given paramount priority during training and education facilitated by the operational risk management program. Moreover, the outlined legal rules and ethics advocate for inclusivity and diversity in all programs and services provided. The organization complies with this regulation because the risk management program is diverse and inclusive as it includes patients, workers, and visitors from different cultures, genders, and backgrounds who give their input on how to manage the risk of the nursing shortage (Brulin & Svensson, 2016). Everyone is allowed to give his or her opinion on all healthcare services affecting them. Further, the legal laws require that every healthcare provider be well informed on the services, programs, and activities that are undertaken within the hospital. Crucially, the current risk management program on operational also uses proper communication and relation skills to enhance the free flow of information concerning managing the shortage of nurses within the organization.

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